Why you should never buy Facebook Likes

Building a fanbase on Facebook is important for you business.

When I think about building Fan Pages, I always remember a quote I wrote a few months back:

“100 True Fans are more worth than 10,000.”

What that means is that you should be focusing on getting real fans, people who like you and who like what you teach.

When you end up buying Facebook Likes, you will sooner or later notice that 99% of those people won’t be responsive to you and your messages you put out on your Fanpage.

If you’re lucky, you get real people from India or China, some sort of microworkers. But if you are not lucky, you end up getting bot likes.

The way to build up your fan base is by posting consistently on your Fanpage so that your content gets higher ranked on Facebook. It works similar like google.

Both platforms rank content organically.

The more content you post (Obviously, it should be good content, I’m not saying to spam your way up to 100 true fans), the more Facebook will reward you with higher rankings.

A good strategy I’ve figured is to pick the Top 5 – 10 competitors in your market, and spy on what they post on their Fan Pages every day, then you want to come up with similar content for your Fan Page.

I’m not saying you should copy them, but find similar content and post it every single day.

Also make sure to use hashtags for your postings too.

That’s it.


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